Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Apologies for the absence

I've been pretty bad at updating this blog. For that I apologize to those of you who look forward to hearing about what I've been getting up to here in Vietnam.

You might think that my lack of writing has been due to my being very busy; in reality it's been quite the opposite. I've been doing so much of nothing recently that there has been nothing to write about.

Mostly my days consist of rousing myself out of bed sometime around 10-11am, wandering, wondering, and eventually putting on enough clothing to be considered decent and heading out of the house to find some food.

For about 3 weeks I'd been seeing a wonderful young woman named Trinh. Unfortunately, that ended recently, of my own volition. I more than likely won't be in Vietnam for more than a year; she has 2.5 years of university left. So the way I see it, it's better to end things now before we get too serious than to allow ourselves to become very attached to each other then have the split be even more gut-wrenching. It's tough when any relationship has to come to an end, but it feels even worse when neither party did anything wrong and the relationship was fine. Maybe I've made a mistake, in fact I can't shake the feeling that I have, but in this case my brain won over my heart and made the decision.

A few weeks ago we went on a weekend trip to Phan Thiet on the coast, to a resort called Rock Water Bay. It was really nice to get out of the city and away from the smog and traffic. I missed the ocean. I'll post some photos later.

For my next trip I'm planning on flying up to Hanoi and from there booking a tour of Ha Long Bay. It will probably be a 2 day/1 night tour with the night being spent on the tour boat. After that I'll hop on a bus and head south to Hue, where I plan to spend a night or two. After that it will be Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Da Lat, then back to Ho Chi Minh City. I figure that to do it properly I'll need to take at least a week, possibly two.

I'll do my best to update this blog more often, regardless of whether or not I've done anything new or noteworthy. There's still new things I'm learning almost daily that I can share. I hope you're well.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

VLOG: My trip to the Mekong Delta!

Hey all, here's a video of some of the things I saw during my trip to the Mekong! Hope you enjoy.